sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008

"Semantical completeness, categoricity and logical consequence: an unpublished lecture by Tarski (1940)"

Palestra sobre Filosofia da Lógica

Prof. Paolo Mancosu
Department of Philosophy
University of California, Berkeley

"Semantical completeness, categoricity and logical consequence: an
unpublished lecture by Tarski (1940)"

In the Tarski archive at Berkeley there is a lecture entitled "On the
Completeness and Categoricity of Deductive Systems" that Tarski had
intended to publish but never did. The lecture is an important
historical document for the development of abstract notions of
semantics, such as semantical completeness and categoricity. In
addition, the lecture provides welcome information on a topic of central
interest to Tarski and to contemporary philosophy of logic, e.g. the
Tarskian notion of logical consequence. Finally, some of the technical
problems raised in the lecture, concerning semantical completeness and
categoricity in higher order logic, are still open and have very
recently been the object of renewed attention. In my talk I will spell
out the key elements in the lecture and provide extensive commentary
with the aim of clarifying the conceptual background of the lecture and
to point to the relevance of some of the issues discussed by Tarski to
contemporary philosophical and logical discussions.

Data e Local:
CLE (Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência)
Sala 209
Quinta-feira 13/11, 14hs

Ficam todos convidados!

Marcelo Coniglio

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