quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

Alternating-time Temporal Logic, Coalition Logic and STIT theory of agency and their epistemic extensions

Seminário do Grupo de Lógica, Inteligência Artificial
e Métodos Formais - LIAMF
Seminário Registrado na CPG do IME/USP
Página: http://www.ime.usp.br/~liamf/seminarios/index.html

Título: Alternating-time Temporal Logic, Coalition Logic and STIT theory of
agency and their epistemic extensions

Palestrante:  Andreas Herzig (prof. Visitante IME-USP), IRIT-CNRS (Toulouse,

Data:   10/11/2008, 14h30
Local:  Sala 03B, IME-USP

Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL), Coalition Logic and so-called STIT
theories of agency (`seeing-to-it-that') are three different formalisms to
model the capability of agents and groups of agents to ensure some
outcome. While they come from 3 different traditions (theoretical computer
science, game theory and philosophy of action), in all of them the notion
of independence of agents is fundamental. I shall give an overview, and
explain that only STIT theories allow to reason about uniform strategies,
i.e. strategies where it does not suffice that the agent has the
capability to ensure some fact, but he must also know that he has that

 Marcelo Finger
 Departamento de Ciencia da Computacao
 Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica | home page:
 Universidade de Sao Paulo             |   www.ime.usp.br/~mfinger
 Rua do Matao, 1010                    | Tel: +55 11 3091 6310, 3091 6135
 05508-090    Sao Paulo, SP     Brazil | Fax: +55 11 3091 6134, 3814 4135

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